A dentist’s opinion on veneers

At Northern Beaches Dental in Mackay, we believe in providing you, our patients, with the right information and the care that you need in order to obtain a healthy smile that is with you for life.

Dentist in Mackay

We manage this in several ways. We make sure that the practice is a warm and inviting place to come where those who have any degree of dental anxiety can deal with it in their own way and in their own time.

By not putting threatening images of dental disease on our waiting room walls and employing passionate dentists in Mackay who love what they do, and care about their patients, we go the extra mile to make sure you feel relaxed, comfortable and well attended to throughout your appointment and beyond.

We sit down and talk to you during your appointments and make sure that we book enough time for each consultation in order to allow us to do so. Your time with us is important and we have no intention of rushing through an examination in order to fit in more patients every day.

We like to take our patients through a combination of preventive care education and discussion, so that you have a firm understanding of what your at home oral hygiene routine should be. We also provide restorative care to rejuvenate your teeth and gums that are succumbing to disease or decay and cosmetic procedures to allow you the smile of your dreams, we have a treatment plan to suit all your needs.

A dentist in Mackay can offer you a range of different treatment options and design a bespoke combination of procedures that can have your smile more beautiful and healthy than ever before.

What are some of our top recommendations?

Having a smile makeover with porcelain veneers achieves great looking results.

Whether you have discoloured teeth with stubborn stains that are hard to remove or have had a root canal that has discoloured your teeth, we can help. If you have chips and cracks in your visible teeth or even have a slight misalignment, then a veneer can rectify these concerns and others like it.

By applying a thin porcelain shell over the visible edge of your teeth, we are able to strengthen and protect your teeth in a more beautifying way. Each veneer can be created to be the colour, size and shape that you want. So you can have Hollywood perfect teeth in an instant.

We love veneers because they are a long lasting treatment that can give you a confidence boost and peace of mind for many years. We love that they not only give you the smile of your dreams but also conserve your teeth and help to protect them from harm.

As technology and research increases in this field due to popularity, we are also finding that we do not have to remove so much of the top layer of enamel on the teeth in order to adhere the veneers. We recommend that you watch this space for great advancements to come.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.