Archive for the ‘Dentist’ Category:

Been told you need a root canal? Five reasons to not be worried, by Northern Beaches Dental

There are few dental procedures that are more feared than endodontics, or as they are more commonly known, root canals. While many dental patients would rather undertake an extraction than a root canal, this can cause an issue with aesthetic considerations; if your damaged or infected tooth is located near the front of your mouth, […]

Curious to learn about Invisalign? Your top 5 FAQs answered by our team at Northern Beaches Dental

When you were a child and your orthodontist suggested braces, you probably said no and that was the end of it. As an adult, you may look back and wish you had undertaken that orthodontic treatment, as now your smile has a much more important role in your life. But, luckily, as dentistry has evolved, […]

Fed up with snoring or poor quality sleep? How our team at Northern Beaches Dental can help!

It can be hard when, after another night of restless sleep, your bed partner tells you that you kept them awake with your personal impression of a foghorn. While snoring is exceedingly common, many people are unaware that it is a symptom of an underlying problem. Indeed, many people snore from time to time, usually […]

Worried about an upcoming root canal? 5 advantages of endodontics by Northern Beaches Dental

One of the most dreaded of all dental procedures is the root canal Associated with immense discomfort and long recovery times, this fairly straightforward and common dental procedure has earned an unfair reputation among dental patients. Root canals have the same recovery time as any other dental procedure and certainly don’t cause immense discomfort! Often […]

Want to know if dental implants are for you? Our 5 top FAQs with Northern Beaches Dental

Unless you have been living on a different planet, it is likely that you have heard about oral implants. A perfect and permanent solution to resolving both functionality and cosmetic issues related to missing teeth, oral implants are increasing in popularity. Cost effective and long lasting, they offer those fitted with them a convenient and […]

Fed up with broken sleep caused by snoring? How our dentists at Northern Beaches Dental can help!

Does your partner regularly banish you to the spare room for snoring? Are you fed up with waking up to a pounding headache and a sore throat? Our dental team at Northern Beaches Dental in Mackay can help! While often thought of as little more than an annoyance, snoring can put serious pressure on, not […]

Think dental emergencies are always painful? 5 painless conditions that require emergency treatment

Far from the image portrayed by the media, not all medical emergencies are uncomfortable. While it is true that many people envision a painful situation related to any kind of emergency, there are many scenarios in which an emergency medical treatment is not only painless, but you may not even be aware of it. This […]

Want to improve your smile easily? 5 benefits of dental veneers with Northern Beaches Dental

Are you looking for a way to improve your smile but don’t want adult braces? Are your teeth too sensitive for whitening? Luckily, there is an answer! As cosmetic dentistry has increased in popularity in recent years, along with advancements in techniques, it seems there is no dental issue that it cannot resolve. People who […]

Unsure about the effectiveness of Invisalign braces? Top 5 myths debunked by Northern Beaches Dental in Mackay

In years gone by, there were only 2 solutions for misaligned teeth in adults: The first was to put up with it and accept that the time for any kind of orthodontic procedure was over. The second was to have all of the protruding or misaligned teeth removed and replaced with a straight prosthesis, like […]

Why your dentist in Mackay would recommend teeth whitening

Having that Hollywood smile has never been easier, using specialised bleaching kits our team are able to restore the once lost shade of your teeth, to make them look brighter and whiter. If you have ever been curious about whitening treatments, but were unsure if it’s worth trying then we have a few reasons why […]

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