Tips for preventing oral cancer from our dentist

Oral cancer is one of the most preventable cancers. This is because it is usually easily detected.  Regular check-ups with your dentist can help with this.


However, unfortunately it is also on the rise in the Western world, due in part to people engaging in behaviours which may not be in their best interests or those of their health. Not to mention the good old fashioned fear of attending dental check-ups!

At Northern Beaches Dental, our team believes heavily in prevention being better than cure. So, our dentist Mackay is always eager to see our patients for routine check-ups to assess their overall health and wellbeing. If it’s been a while since you got into the dental chair, be sure to book your next check-up soon!

So, what are some of the steps that can be taken to minimise your risk of developing oral cancer? Read on to find out!

Stop smoking

Our dentist Mackay knows that the number one way that you can reduce your risk of developing oral cancer is to stop smoking.

The chemicals which come into contact with your inner cheeks, tongue and gums from smoking are full of carcinogens. Which increases the risk of you developing cancer. Not to mention depriving your blood cells of oxygen. If you need help with smoking cessation, our dentist Mackay will always be happy to offer you smoking cessation options.

Limit your drinking

Alcohol, much like smoking, allows carcinogenic material to come into contact with the soft tissues in your mouth. Once again, increasing the chance of cancerous cells developing. However, we are aware that if you are alcohol dependent, you won’t be able to simply quit altogether, and will need medical assistance. But we are more than happy to work with patients at every stage of this journey and will advise you on how best to look after your teeth in the process.

Attend check-ups

It sounds simple, but one of the easiest ways to prevent oral cancer is to attend check-ups as often as possible.

This is because they allow our dental team to assess the health of your mouth and look for signs of oral cancer regularly. It also enables us to quickly refer you for testing if we notice anything of concern. Thus, increasing the chances of a complete recovery.

Minimise sun exposure

This may seem odd, but oral cancer can begin on the lips and spread into the mouth. If you are a sun worshipper, this can increase the likelihood of you developing oral cancer.

So, be sure to check that your lips are protected when you step out on a sunny day. There are lip balms that can provide UV protection. Alternatively, you can wear a large hat!

Keep an eye out for signs

There are many different signs of oral cancer to look out for.

One of which is the obvious lump or bump in your mouth. Others can include ulcers which are larger than a small coin. Or ulcers that bleed or recur in the same part of the mouth. Or, you may simply notice that there is a patch of skin in your mouth that physically feels different, so this is worth checking out with our team.


All treatments carry risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.