Unrelenting dental discomfort? Severe toothache? Terrible jaw pain? Ways our emergency dentist at Northern Beaches Dental can help

Nobody likes a toothache; especially when it stops you from eating, drinking or sleeping. When that dull ache in your tooth changes into a raging, stabbing sensation, it is time to visit our emergency dentist in Mackay.

At Northern Beaches Dental, our team of emergency dentists can help you relieve the discomfort of a dental emergency on the same day, allowing you to get on with your day! We aim to see all of our emergency patients the same day, and if we are unable to accommodate you, we will ensure you receive treatment at our other dental surgery, Walkerston Dental.

Our emergency dentist in Mackay is trained to promptly assess and diagnose the source of your discomfort and relieve it during the initial emergency check-up. Depending on the cause of the discomfort, you may be required to come back at a later date to see us again, in order to conclude your treatment.

Whatever the cause of your dental emergency, our dentist in Mackay will have you feeling better in no time!

Curious about what constitutes a dental emergency? Read on to find out more!

Pain or swelling

We have all had minor dental pain at one time or another, but when this pain seems to be never ending, and feels like stabbing, burning or pulsating, and leaves you unable to function properly, then you need to see our team as soon as you can.

Dental pain can be indicative of many conditions, but when it is combined with a sudden swelling in the mouth, it may be an abscess; this is an infection due to decay reaching the pulp of the tooth and can be extremely uncomfortable. If you suspect you have one, and are developing a fever, you must be seen the same day. Untreated, abscesses can be dangerous, but our team can stop the discomfort, treat the source and stop the infection.

Cracked tooth

Common amongst those who play sport; chipped, cracked or damaged teeth require an emergency appointment, even if they are not hurting. This is due to the likelihood of bacteria infiltrating the tooth through the crack and infecting the pulp. Nobody wants an abscess!

Lost filling or crown

Lost fillings and crowns can be an annoyance but, similar to the chipped tooth, even if you are in no discomfort, it is vital you have the filling, or the crown, replaced as soon as you are able.

A lost filling is usually the result of a long-term loose filling. Loose fillings often allow bacteria and decay to settle underneath them and, left untreated, the decay can dominate the tooth, making the job of restoring the tooth a lot harder for our dental team.

When you feel that something isn’t quite right with your teeth, call our team at Northern Beaches Dental!

Disclaimer– All procedures carry risks. You will require a meeting with one of our dentists to discuss which treatment is right for you.